Thursday, August 15, 2013

Next Indian Prime Minister “Narendra Modi V/ S Rahul Gandhi”

Independence Day Special 

India is no more a regional power or South East Asian Giant… The turn of 21st century has already made India a global power and with the turn of next decade it is highly likely that India will become one of the super powers. Hence, Indian top leaders are followed by global media, and when it comes to selection the world looks upto. 

Indian Politics is no more the same and one party rule has not been witnessed since last 20 years passed. People are more aware and more sensitive these days; and regional parties are getting an edge due to poor performance, corruption, and ignorance of their regions by the national parties.

The time for decision of public matters has arrived once again and almost ready to enter the door (forget knocking). Yes, I am talking about the General Elections 2014; and the Indian citizen’s time to take the decision to seal the fate of the country for next 5 years.

Congress and BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) are the two national parties (also the prime rivals that contest against each other to rule the country and make their government) that makes their presence felt. The fight is even and after 10 years rule of UPA – II (Central Government headed by Congress) the change seems to be waiting for new face government.

Why Even fight?

Current Government’s Corruption case (2G, CWG, Coal Gate etc), rising inflation, high petrol price, and lack of effective of governance. Whereas, the BJP is facing indecisiveness, no coordination among top managing members of the part, too many Prime Ministers aspirants, and has been show the door in states like Karnataka & Uttarkhand (due to corruption).

However, when it comes to alliance no one at the moment seems to be enjoying a strong position. So, the fight is obvious to be even between the two national parties. However, no one seems to win majority support in next year election.

The above discussion and scenarios was necessary as “Vedic Astrology” takes into accountability the “time, current situation, leaders, their position and place. It’s slightly different from individual analysis where ‘Kaal (time), Desh (Country), & Paatra (Native)’ are mainly required.

Coming back to “Next Indian Prime Ministeranalysis – The fight is led by Narendra Modi from B.J.P and Rahul Gandhi from Congress. So, youth to old of India is assuming these two be the Prime Ministerial Candidates. The parties have also made it clear with raising them to ranks in their respective parties. So, let’s check their horoscope as per the dictum of Vedic Astrology…

Narendra Modi Horoscope Analysis:

The dynamic leader and three times CM of Gujarat ((currently Chief Minister) is born on 17 September 1950 at Mehsana, Gujarat with birth time being - 11:00:00 am.

Important Planetary Position: -

The leader is born with Scorpio ascendant and moon in Scorpio; and Lord of Ascendant being placed in Mars. The Moon (9th lord) is enjoying neechbang raja yoga in his horoscope with sun (10th lord) being positioned in 11th house and 10th house is occupied by Saturn (4th and 3rd lord) and Venus (7th and 12th lord) getting aspect of retro Jupiter (2nd and 5th lord) form 4th. Sun and Ketu is in conjunction with presence of 8th lord.

Good Indications in Natal Chart (That Can Make Him Prime Minister): -

Ø  Mars with Moon makes him angry in disposition and hot temperament. He can keep grudge for long time as both the planets are placed in ascendant in the sign of Scorpio. But, the conjunction also gives him drive to fight, achieve his ambition, and gain the reputation of being task oriented.

He will also not fear to call a spade a spade (somewhat straight forward in approach). 6th Lord and Lagna lord in own sign with Moon the karaka of mind shows he will be constantly worried by his enemies but with his sheer courage he will win over them. 9th lord getting neechbang with Lagna lord support is exceptionally well for his rise and popularity with certain section as majority.

Ø  Jupiter aspecting the Saturn and Venus in 10th house from fourth is giving the necessary support to win esteem prestige from masses but retrograde motion of the planet aspecting 10th has also made him controversial with certain groups. Though the combination is creating a moderate Raja Yoga and is good for his political carrier.

Ø  Saturn and Venus is keeping his political carrier floating with sun being the karaka of authority is getting support from well established business networks in much hidden way as it’s connected to 11th  and 8th lord Mercury in the 11th house.

Ø  Moon planetary period is in operation and the moon with such strong presence in his Lagna has the capacity to make him the next Prime Minister.

Ø  The transit of Jupiter will give him fame, acceptance, and popularity in foreign land with its 5th aspect on 12th house and foreign travel to deliver scholarly advises or speech. The 9th aspect to 4th house shows his patriotic speech will help him win over the hearts of many in his homeland.

Inauspicious Indications (That Can Mare His Chances of Being Prime Minister): -

Ø  Sun and Ketu conjunction shows that his soul will believe – whatever he is doing is right; and will not accept the facts even if it’s wrong. This can lead to his downfall and has been also the reason for numerous controversies that he has been dragged into.

Not good combination for someone aspiring to be Prime Minister
as it can offer lot in terms of authority only to detach or scatter from it at the end (sun rules authority, power, governance and Ketu rules detachment, dissolution, suffering, and scattering).

Ø  Saturn Transit in Libra and he being Scorpio Moon is under the Sade sati phase. The current Sade Sati is though good as it’s in silver but the entry of Saturn into Scorpio 2014 – November, with 1 SAV point makes the Saturn phase goes through iron. Therefore, tough times are ahead for him to be the top leader of the nation.

He will find it hard to win over a particular section of the society and even his own party men will desert him. Sufferings, failure, health complications, threat to life, and unexpected loss will be result.

Ø  Jupiter Transit until next General Election is not favorable for him and is placed in 8th house from his Moon and Ascendant. So, his election campaign as well as campaign budget may see many loop holes and financial mis-management, yet sudden gains occasionally. He may have both secret admirers and enemies at the moment in his party. His election campaign may see a catastrophic end results.

Ø  Ketu in 6th transit apart from health complications is good to win over enemies but Rahu in 12th transit to Moon can bring sleep deprivation, anxiety, and loss in endeavors.

Ø  Moon Mahadasa with Rahu antaradasa will be in operation so he may face lot of obstacles, intense emotional turmoil, and high chances of being exploited or deceit by a woman in power. But the 5th presence of Rahu from Mahadasa Lord Moon can also bring surprising fame or popularity.

Conclusion: -

So, overall his horoscope analysis shows 10% chance of becoming the Prime Minister and 90% chance of playing a major role in forming government and occupying an important position in the Cabinet Ministry. Even, if he becomes Prime Minister he will soon fall from the pinnacle or face some other unfortunate event to be ousted from the coveted post.

Rahul Gandhi Horoscope Analysis:

The youngest scion of Gandhi Patriarch and the national youth icon “Rahul Gandhi is born on 19 June 1970 in Delhi around 12:00 pm. There are different birth timings that are floating and rising Lagans. But after much scrutiny I decided to stick with this birth time as the one to analyze his chart; reason being it matches with the rise and dynamism that he carries.

Important Planetary Position: -

The Gandhi scion is born with Leo Lagna and Sagittarius Moon Sign. He has Ketu in Lagna, 2nd and 11 Lord in 10th house. Lagna Lord Sun and 4th and 9th Lord Mars (also Yogakaraka) is conjoined in 11th house. Saturn the karaka for masses is debilitated in 9th house but receiving aspect from the benefic planet Jupiter placed in 3rd house. The 5th and 7th lord are aspecting each other. His 10th Lord Venus is positioned in 12th house.

Good Indications in Natal Chart (That Can Make Him Prime Minister): -

Ø  Ketu in Lagna gives him a mystique aura and a magnetic personality. So, this can give him a profound effect over the lower class, poor and working labor force.

Ø  Jupiter in 3rd house being the 5th lord gives him creative expressions of situations and as retrograde so sometimes he is unable to control the expressions that are poetic but not real. So, finds himself into trouble. But the leadership ability with effective communication within the party workers will be harmoniously supported by the planet.

Despite the Saturn in debilitation it will not be as harmful as it receives aspect from Jupiter. Saturn as 6th lord can ruin his competitors or make them subdued as its neecha in status.

Ø  He has a strong 10th house as the 2nd and 11th lord Mercury is placed in the house of authority, power, status, rise in life, and mass support. So, leadership rise is foreseen. Further the 11th house enjoying the placement of Lagna lord Sun and Yogakaraka Mars has made the top position almost possible to reach for him.

Sun and Mars the two planet of power and management or authority is strong in the nativity (Sun little weak but in Mars association has regrouped). He can be one of the most organized and task oriented Prime Minister of India. The country can gain under his governance.

Ø  Mars Mahadasa in operation and the planet is not only strong but being the most primary planet in the chart can give rise to auspicious yoga to be the next Prime Minister.

Ø  Jupiter transit in 7th from the Moon is suitable for his diplomatic agendas, wining over open enemies, and consolidation of the top most position in India (as 7th is 10 form 10th). He can also win over many allies post-election to make the government (as 7 rules partnership and Jupiter is blessing those areas).

Ø  Saturn Transit is also favorable for him until November 2014 and can give him victory and win over trusted networks to form the next government. Public companies funding will be plenty in his election campaign. With his diplomacy he can gain from important allies.

Inauspicious Indications (That Can Mare His Chances of Being Prime Minister): -

Ø  Saturn debilitated in 9th house and no help coming for Saturn apart from a retrograde Jupiter’s aspect. It is making Saturn the biggest challenging planet for Rahul Gandhi to achieve the high post in the Indian Politics. Debilitated Saturn will make it very hard almost nil to win over majority masses or be their favorite to win the position.

Also it’s obstructing his luck factor (perhaps also Saturn has already done many bad in his life connected to father, Guru, Dharma, Long Travel, and Higher Education). It can give him the last touch with the pain of loss.

Ø  Rahu antaradasa can be challenging in Mars Mahadasa. He will be in state of illusion in the election battle, his aggressive speech or sudden burst of anger can make him unpopular with countrymen. He may perform some action in haste and then think about its outcome. This hasty nature with impulsive action performing can be negative. His, luck may not shine and threat to life is very high. However, Rahu being 9th from the Dasa Lord Mars can bring some relief.

Ø  10th Lord and 3rd Lord in 12th house indicate someone to be more effective in communication, direction, and power play from behind the scenes. Perhaps, the 10th Lord’s position is not dynamic enough to make him the main player of center stage. Venus the 10th lord is both good and bad by being in Pushyami Nakshatra ruled by Saturn.

Venus in Pushyami is bad because its lord is debilitated and often the 10th lord in this Nakshatra under such circumstances may not provide with the fruit of the hard work, no admiration for the pain one takes for others, and less deserved return for their utmost services.

Conclusion: -

Rahul Gandhi has high chances of becoming Prime Minister if he can manage the Saturian negativity and Rahu’s sudden ill strike. However, the transit of Jupiter and Saturn can still give him a prominent position even if Prime Minister Chances get’s dissolve. Rahul Gandhi will play the most important role in 2014 elections from the Congress Party and UPA can only make another government if it takes Rahul’s advice into accountability.

Comparison of Both Horoscopes
: -

Rahul Gandhi’s 10th Lord Venus is in Pushyami in Pada – 2; making him fight for others and fight for the law of land. So, if he can bring out his this quality he can win over hearts of masses and rewards may pour.

Narendra Modi’s 10th Lord Sun is in own Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni in Pada – 2; this auspicious 10th lord Nakshatra placement can give him meteoric rise in government ranks. Narendra Modi can be very critical of others performance and his own work. So, this man can be really goal oriented with detailed perfection of each and every task.

Both the charts compared shows if elections takes place within April to May mid 2014 Rahul Gandhi’s efforts will be more rewarding in comparison to Narendra Modi’s reward for his tireless work. 

Courtesy : Astro - Hut

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